
About Storm


10 years old

Siberian Husky


???? Best Qualities: Stunning Storm is a 10–year–old, intelligent beauty who loves to be cuddled, patted, stroked and kissed! She is affectionate and gentle and is happy and content with her humans and/or other dogs for company.

Storm is easy to handle and groom. She loves cuddles and is very trusting of people. She is seriously the sweetest girl.

???? Obedience Star: Storm is smart and trainable. Currently she can sit, drop, stay, touch, look, trade and ‘wait’ at road crossings. Like all huskies, ‘come’ still needs some work!

???? Walks like a charm: Storm walks nicely on the lead on the left side and does not pull. However, she is a very fast walker but responds to ‘go slowly’ when ground is slippery or steep.

???? Doggie Diplomat: She likes to meet other dogs and enjoys their company. She is calm and self–contained with new dogs, including those who are more reactive or aggressive towards her. She has good doggie manners and will also start a game once she has made a new friend. She lives very well with other dogs including a husky pack ( she previously lived with two other huskies and loved the company of a husky pack for a two night stay recently with one of our other carers ) She is fabulous off–lead in a dog park or back yard and has excellent doggie manners and likes to run around the play with all the other dogs. She will watch other dogs’ games and try to join in.

???? Chatterbox: She is a quiet girl generally. However if something unusual happens she will suddenly start husky talking about it.

She communicates by breathing louder. If she wants something she’ll pant to get your attention. Very rare and quiet husky.

????️ Weather Warrior: Storm is comfortable in storms whilst inside. She sleeps through the rain and wind. She slept through the recent earthquake and aftershock as well. Not sure about thunder and lightning

???? Playful: Very relaxed but loves a game of any kind! Bouncing balls, rope pulling etc.

???? Kid-Friendly Potential: She is gentle and patient with children of different ages and will wait calmly while they pat and fuss over her.

???? Energy levels: relaxed calm unless out and about, loves her walks.

???? Cat & Pocket Pets: Storm has a high prey drive with cats and possums.

???? Small Dogs? She is fine with small dogs, is gentle and loving.

???? Road Trip Ready: She loves car trips, new experiences and travels well in the car. She likes the window open to feel the wind in her hair.

???? House Training: Storm is great letting you know if she has to pee or go outside. She hasn’t had any accidents.

???? Sweet Slumber: She sleeps on her bed or the couch in the living room. She is able to wake her carers if she needs to go to the toilet.

???? Foodie’s Delight: Currently on Royal Canin

Loves her kong filled with Royal Canin dry

❤️‍???? Medical: Storm came to us with a large lump on her neck, that has been removed by our vets. We had the lump sent off for testing and the results are – Trichoblastomas they are relatively common benign neoplasms that arise from hair follicle epithelium these lesions grow by expansion rather than infiltration, they do not metastasise and they do not recur following complete surgical excision.

Storm is fit and healthy and we are so happy it was nothing sinister.

ℹ️ Extra info: She is looking for a home where she can be inside with her humans most of the time, be part of family life and enjoy outings to meet people and other dogs. Storm will need continued training to learn to stay happily at home alone if she is the only dog in the household.


The usual husky rules apply, with secure 6ft+ dig proof fencing and no cats, pocket pets or chooks. Not suitable for apartment living, rural properties or residences with court yards. This husky is not available for interstate fostering or adoption.

More information about Storm

Storm Says Hi!